google developer

美 [ˈɡuːɡl dɪˈveləpər]英 [ˈɡuːɡl dɪˈveləpə(r)]
  • 网络谷歌开发者
google developergoogle developer
  1. ( A similar presentation , Tim gave six months ago at the Google Developer Days is available here ) .


  2. The attendees of the Google Developer Day were able to get an in-depth look at the latest Google services , their development and usage .


  3. This is a painting program written by Lim Ding Wen , a9 year old Google Android developer living in Singapore .


  4. Compared to Apple , Google 's developer documentation is scanty at best , and it doesn 't help that the Android OS still seems to be something of a work in progress .


  5. Tim Bray , who recently joined Google as a Developer Advocate , presented his views on the Android Ecosystem at the Seattle Android Developers group .


  6. Demis Hassabis , chief executive of Google Deepmind , the developer of the computer program , said the match result would provide a valuable lesson for his team to identify and address AlphaGo 's weakness .


  7. Jump , a " spherical-video " project , was unveiled at Thursday 's Google I / O developer conference in San Francisco and marks the first step of what the company promises will become a sustained investment in a sector that analysts predict could become the next battleground for large internet groups .
